Sunday, February 28, 2010

Software ERP berlandaskan Koperasi?

Gw baru nyadar kalo "sama-sama untung, sama-sama rugi" adalah prinsip co-op a.k.a koperasi.

Lg kepikiran gmn kalo para koperasi2 di Indonesia ini (terutama yg medium-to-large) bisa memakai ERP yang "shared". Actually nggak harus koperasi2, tapi perusahaan2 apapun yg butuh ERP. Tapi bisnis software ERP-nya sendiri di-manage secara co-op.

So far pilihannya adalah:
  1. ERP ad-hoc, ERP kecil2 yang proprietary dan unmaintained, awalnya in-house. Ini yang paling umum dipakai dan lama2 bikin pusing. Satu perusahaan tidak kuat utk  mendukung biaya development & maintenance ERP ini, bahkan developer awalnya sendiri gak kuat.
  2. ERP open source: OpenERP, xTuple PostBooks, Openbravo, Compiere, Adempiere, webERP.
    Harusnya menjadi pilihan yang bagus untuk SME/UKM di Indonesia. Tapi kurang  dukungan support, customisasi, training, dan balik lagi ke masalah developer/SDM.

    Kalo minta service dari perusahaan komersil yang membacking open  source, harganya mahal banget... so tidak terjangkau bagi UKM, meski utk perusahaan besar itu cost yang worth it.
  3. ERP komersial, misalnya Sage, SAP, xTuple ERP, Microsoft Dynamics NAV, Epicor, Salesforce, Zoho.

    Hanya terjangkau bagi medium-to-large companies.
    Untuk kustomisasi dan support, biasanya dari partner lokal dan costnya beragam, tapi tetap mahal.
Note that "mahal" di sini tidak berarti buruk, karena bisa berarti berkah bagi yang menerima duitnya. Tapi jangan sampai "mahal" tersebut jadi menghambat. Kalo gara-gara mahal maka gak jadi beli, maka ERP provider tersebut juga rugi.

Mungkinkah dengan perusahaan ERP software yg dibentuk secara co-op,  bisa win-win solution bagi semua pihak terkait?

Ramblings - Could an ERP Software Co-Op Work
Normally when you think of a Co-Operative (co-op), you think of a farmers or some other community co-op. People create co-ops so that they join together with a common business to produce or supply a services, operated by its members with the profits and losses shared by the menbers as well. Could an ERP software co-operative work and be profitable?

Software companies strugle with a number of issues on a daily basis - mainly because of the way that they are structured:

* Limited development resources means that extensions and improvements to the products need to be prioritized and cut
* Customers do not always feeling that they ware being heard and their specific needs are not being addressed
* Retaining customers and maintenance is administratively burdonsome
* Managing 3rd Party developers and partners.

In an economy based on sharing, could these be overcome through a co-op structure?

If customers become shareholders in the organization, and are also given the opportunity to contribute in the development of the product though internal open source where everyone who owns a copy of the product and shares information on what they are doing, then the centralized development model, and the bottleneck of having a limited number of developers becomes less important. As a co-op, it is in the best interests of the members to share their extensions, and also extend out the product. The co-op would just provide a mechanism for managing those extensions, and also have a small development staff that can create the extensions to the products that the members do not have the time, or the skillsets to do.

As a collective, then there is no reason why the customers are not getting their needs addressed. Rather than having one organization benevolently dictating what new features and needs get addressed, there are many mini-development groups all contributing to the product and providing real world applications. As the network of customers grow, the development resources and insights shouild grow quickly as well.

Having a vested interest in the software as well incentivises the customers to be good co-op citizens as well. Because the whole premise of the co-operative is that they will share in the profits and losses of the co-op, then it is in their best interest to keep the product as profitable as possible. With that said, the central co-op administrators have a stake in this as well, and need to stay as lean as possible so that they don't drain away any unneccessary profits as well. A maintenance loss to the co-operative is a loss to the collective group, so a supportive and constructive community is key.

The final question is how to address 3rd party developers and consultants. How will these people get access to the product to learn it, and to develop on it. There is no reason why they cannot be included in the co-op structure. They can easily purchase a single user co-operative share, and as a result become vested members in the community.

Could an ERP Software Co-Operative work? I don't know...


  1. Mas Hendy, bisa berkirim nomor HP melalui Hp saya di 081548823229? Trims, Suroto

  2. Untuk beberapa option tentang ERP, bisa lihat di website kami
