Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sistem Perbankan dan Ekonomi Lemah

Lagi nyari-nyari ERP yang cocok, malah ketemu artikel tentang STRO, Cyclos, dan visi misi mereka untuk mewujudkan ekosistem perdagangan yang lebih baik bagi kaum ekonomi lemah.

Mobile Money Africa » Blog Archive » Promoting Open source solutions for African Microfinance – Hugo Van Der Zee
The Social TRade Organizations STRO is a group of foundations that are involved with Micro Credit and trade networks based on internal currencies. The first STRO was founded in 1970 in the Netherlands and has been mostly active in Europe and Latin America. STRO usually works with local partner organizations on financial solutions that stimulate local development and create new possibilities for small and medium sized enterprises.

The hart of the Social Trade approach is that money entering poor region should circulate some times before leaving the area for imports from rich areas, in order to organize the local economy, create employment and business opportunities. From this point of view it is important to prevent purchasing power leaving the poor regions because of interest payments or services/solutions that could have been delivered in the community itself. The development and high availability of new technologies offered an opportunity to achieve these goals.

STRO picks up the challenge described by Bank of England’s governor Mervyn King:
“Is it possible that advances in technology will mean that (…) the world may come to resemble a pure exchange economy? Electronic transactions in real time hold out that possibility. There is no reason, in principle, why final settlements could not be carried out by the private sector without the need for clearing through the central bank. (…) There is no conceptual obstacle to the idea that two individuals engaged in a transaction could settle by a transfer of wealth from one electronic account to another in real time. (…) The same system could match demands and supplies of financial assets, determine prices and make settlements. Financial assets and real goods and services would be priced in terms of a unit of account. Final settlement could be made without any recourse to the central bank.(…) Without such a role in settlements, central banks, in their present form, would no longer exist(…).

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